Is it Against the Law to Kill a Snake?

Depending on where you live, killing the snake may be legal or illegal. It may result to severe punishment and fines. Most of the states have enacted a law that protects the snakes. You might want to be familiar with these laws before you start your very first hunting expedition. Otherwise, you can find yourself in a deep mess. To make it easier for you, we listed some of the states where it is illegal to kill a snake.

States That Prohibits the Killing of Snakes
In some states, it is not only prohibited to kill a snake. You are also not allowed to capture them or to sell a particular type of snake. If you are in possession of a snake, you may want to call your local wildlife control agency to ensure that you are not breaking any law.

Based on the official site of the DCNR Alabama, most species of the Wilmington snakes are not covered by the existing regulations. However, it is unlawful to capture, kill, trade, or sell some particular species of snakes. You will have to carry the necessary permit before doing so. Permits are given by the Commissioner of the Alabama DCNR. Some of the snakes that are protected by this regulation include the Southern Hognose, Florida Pine, Eastern Coachwhip, Black Pine, and Eastern Indigo Snake. One of the snakes that are found in Alabama belongs to the endangered species. Capturing and killing this animal is punishable under the law. Most Delaware snakes that are protected by the law are harmless and non-venomous.

Native snakes, which included the venomous snakes, are protected under the state law. Killing them is illegal except under reasonable circumstances. This is according to the Arkansas GFC (Game and Fish Commission). This commission is regulating and enforcing the law that prohibits the capturing and/or killing of certain non-game wildlife species which includes the snakes. Based on the existing evidence, there is a significant decline in the population of snakes due to the loss of habitat. Wildlife Arkansas has currently identified 7 species of snakes that are suffering from human activities.

It is only natural that we fear the snakes since the media has depicted them as deadly even though only a small portion of the Wilmington snakes are venomous. In the state of Georgia, killing the non-venomous type of snake is punishable by 1-year imprisonment and a maximum of $1,000 fine. Apart from this, the Eastern Indigo and the Southern Hognose have extra protection by being endangered species. It is also illegal to keep the non-venomous snakes as house pet.

Under the law of Kentucky, it is illegal to capture or harm the Copperbelly. Under the Agreement of Habitat Conversation, the population of this snake should be protected. With this agreement, it is no longer needed to include the Copperbelly to the list of endangered species. With regards to the other snakes, you should obtain the necessary permit before catching or possessing a snake.

Apart from the states that we mentioned above, Virginia, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Carolinas have similar laws that protect the snakes. We advise to call the local wildlife agency before you even attempt to hunt a snake.

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