I Found A Rat in My House - Are There More?

In case you discover a Wilmington rat in your house, you may not realize that there is a possibility that you are dealing with a full-blown mice infestation. Finding the rats that have infiltrated you house can be a bit overwhelming. Nonetheless, you need to deal with them if you want to avoid any severe problems. Rats have the ability to reproduce at an alarming rate. In order to identify if you have more rats lurking in the shadows, pay attention to the signs that we will mention below.

Signs That There Are More Rats inside Your House
Once you discover a rat inside your house, you are probably thinking if you should hire the service of the professionals or personally deal with the issue. You need to be certain that you are experiencing a full-blown rat infestation before seeking the help of the experts. Here are some signs that will help you identify the severity of the issue.

The amount of droppings can help you identify if there are more rats in your house. You will often see the droppings near the cupboard, drawers, or food packages. The feces of the rats may appear moist and dark when they are fresh. As time passes by, the color will turn to gray and they will easily crumble once you came in contact with them. In case you noticed some fresh droppings in the area, there is a possibility that you are experiencing a new pest infestation. Higher amount of droppings can be discovered during the nesting period.

Signs of Damage
It is fairly easy to determine the new gnaw marks of the Wilmington rats. This can help you identify if you are suffering from a severe rat infestation. Food packages are the usual target of the Delaware rats. If the gnaw marks on your packages are lighter, then this is a sign of a continuing rat infestation. The mark can also help you find out if you are dealing with a rat or a mouse infestation. The larger gnaws is basically caused by the larger teeth of the rat.

One rat may not be able to produce an unbearable stink but a large family of rat can. The musky scent that they release is an indication of an active rat infestation. When you want to determine if you are dealing with a full-blown infestation, you should also observe the behavior of your house pets. Our cats and dogs will tend to be excited and agitated if there are rodents in your house. In case you notice your pet pawing in the area that they are not originally interested, you might want to inspect that area.

These are just some of the signs that will help you identify the size of their population. In case you are only noticing the rat during nighttimes, there is a possibility that the population of the rat is still within your control. If you detected some of the signs we mentioned above, controlling the population of the rat is beyond your power and you need to seek the help of the experts.

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